
Fellowship in Grenoble: France, OSH and low-tech

Grenoble: a different way of life ? In France and particularly in Grenoble, one can find a lot of active associations that usually do not have a strong online presence, but are very active locally. These are sport, culture or teaching-directed associations. A good example is the “ptit velo dans la tête” organisation. This association is running bike repair workshops where the members can come and repair their bikes, and buy spare parts or full bikes at very reduced prices.

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Two citations with one doi ?

Here, Julien Colomb presents in a very short post the idea of having and attribution reference and a provenance reference for an hardware/software/dataset object. We present 2 objectives of citing data, one workaround for having it all, what is would mean for hardware paper and end with a question about the validity of this ideas. He is hoping that it may open a discussion on this topic. The two objectives of citing data People have been publishing datasets for decades now, and there is ongoing research on the apparent trade off between providing persistent identifiers to the data and allowing data versions.

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