Student assistant position available

By Open.Make team October 25, 2021

update 2022-05-02 The three positions have been filled, thanks to all who applied !

In Open.Make we are looking for three motivated student assistants to support our research team and enrich it with your own unique and complementary skillset.

Any student of a Berlin university can apply to any of the three positions (salary 12,68 € brutto according to TV Stud III). The majority of the work needs to be done on site. Yet, some of the work can also be carried out remotely.

Women*, Inter*, Trans*, and Nonbinary* should feel especially encouraged to apply, in accordance with the universities' provisions.

We expect candidates to have interest in open science, open source hardware and/or open design, as well as being able to show initiative and responsibility.

All positions correspond to contracts until the end of the project or are envisaged to be extended until then (31.08.2023).

The work involves hardware making, software/firmware development, hardware documentation, social interaction with makers, creation of open data sets, dissemination and outreach activities, and in particular meta-research in the open source hardware field. Depending on your capabilities, experience and interests, you may not participate in all aspects but rather focus on particular ones.

Please send us a CV, a concise letter of motivation, relevant certificates, a transcript of records, and a certificate of enrolment. Please mention hardware and software skills and experiences, if any, related social science skills and anything else you think might be relevant, as well as your preferred position.

Please refer to the job posting below and note that further postings are awaited very soon. So, you may then have to slightly readjust your application from the above. In case you would rather wait for the upcoming postings but are already interested, just let us know. Then we can inform you directly once they are published.

We are looking forward to hear from you.

1. HUB: Open hardware making and publication (40h/month)

You will work in Prof. Matthew Larkum’s lab (HU Berlin, Campus Mitte), under Dr. Julien Colomb’s supervision. Your first task will be to build an AIRtrack system and document your work.

official job description

2. TUB: Open hardware documentation and evaluation, reference “Open.Make-2021” (40 - 60h/month, depending on your preferences)

You will work in Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem’s chair (TU Berlin, Insitut for Machine Tools and Factory Management), under Robert Mies' supervision. You will help with the research work which includes surveys and interviews transcription, reports on production of hardware documentation, outreach and publications).

3. FUB: Open hardware making and documentation (40h/month)

You will work in Prof. Tim Landgraf’s lab (FU Berlin, Dahlem campus), under Moritz Maxeiner’s supervision. Your first task will be to actively observe and document the work of hardware makers.

official job description